Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Blog help
Does any look at there stats on the blogger? Well I have about 3-4 referring URL that are spamming my site my views per day have gone up into the 200... Is there a way to block those site? Does any know?
QR Code Project
1. Students make thier own QR Code using thier name.
2. Count out a 10x10 square on thier QR code that they found fun to look at
3. They have a 12"x12" paper and we traced the ruler to make it 1" grid to make 100 squares
4. Then they copy their QR code on thier paper using Sharpie. When they copy it we made line design in it, for the black squares.I have more pictures... to come..because the project is not done... There is another twist to this project.