I feel like this messy art blog has taking the back sit the past few months to many different of things. And I apologize to all of you who read/look at my messy art blog. I hope to do better. The year is almost done and my first year of blogging is almost done. So I was just reflecting on this blog. Is their anything as a read/looker you would see be different/change? Just give me your input. thanks so much Mr. R.
Hey man! It is always good to reevaluate as you go...as educators we totally need to do that. As bloggers, I think the best question you can ask yourself is..."What do I want this blog to be." There are many of us out there...and not all are the same. What do you want to offer the bloggie world? More project pics, art ideas, classroom management...or all of the above. There is no wrong answer...just do whatever it is to the best of your ability and people will come!!!! KEEP ON BLOGGIN!
Great advice from Mr. E. There are so few male art-teacher bloggers out there, so I'm glad you guys are in the mix!
I've also been blogging about a year. The big thing I would say is that you should never need to APOLOGIZE to your readers for what you are posting, or not posting, or whatever. We all have blogs and read blogs because we WANT to, so there's no rules, so never apologize if life keeps you from posting regularly!
One thing I do, since we are all so visual, is that I always start my blog with a picture, no matter what the post is about. I think an interesting post title or pic makes people click on it to see what it's about. That's what originally took me to your blog, because you mentioned Matisse (my fave). Just a thought... Because your title today made me think you were giving up on blogging - how about changing the post title to something that lets readers know you are looking for their input, rather than sounding defeated?
Another thing you might consider is changing what you've got in your "about me". I can check your profile and know you're in Missouri, but beyond that you are a mystery. Let us get to know you a little better! That teddy bear for your profile pic has no eyes - so even if you don't want to post a pic of yourself, have some fun w/it.
And finally, I think the best way to get more people to read your blog is also to visit other blogs and leave comments, even if they are just "nice project". Bloggers will want to see who's talking to them, so they'll go to your blog to look.
By the way - one last last thing - I think you mean back "seat", not "sit". I'm a bit bit of a spelling/grammar freak so always double check my posts. I post them, and then take a good look & read it through carefully, and then go back and edit any goofy typos. Just a suggestion. Good luck!
Dont worry... I am not giving up on the blog. Just dont have the time to keep up with it... I dont know how you all post so much. :)
I like your pic. Thought.. i will use that one.. thanks again.
I'm a night-owl. Stay up too late always! Anyhow I post on my blog and read everyone else's blogs when I'm watching tv in the evenings. My only kid is about to graduate from college so I don't have little ones at home.
Just as we tell our students - keep working on it, keep adding detail, add more color and every so often - look around and get inspiration from those around you! I started blogging just a year ago after teaching for almost 30 yrs and learn something new every day!
A blog is like a living thing, it changes and it grows. Like Mr. E says, there is no wrong answer here, just let it reflect your interests and personality and all will be well.
Funny thing...I didn't stop to read the title and thought the post was going to be about the pink chair!
I wouldn't mind taking the back seat at all if it were pink.
Thank you all for your comment... They are very helpful....
I'm just starting out blogging so I don't have too many tips except I like what Phyl said about the photo starting the post... I try to do that too. I love visiting the blogs on people's sidebars too!
For me, a blog is about what is really going on in the art room. It's something that I only will share with people I trust. Keep it professional (as you do) but also it is fun to see what you are really thinking that day. When I started blogging I thought a lot about what I wanted to post. . . now I just post to document things that are interesting in the moment. I think posting often is good practice even if you have nothing to says there is always something. It is fun because it makes you reflect on your day. My only advice is don't worry too much about posting something "good" just post . I'm always surprised by what posts interest people the most.
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